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Update 2014 - Tao Lodge

Has it really been 6 years since I've updated this page and added anything to it? Yes. It has.

A lot has happened over these half dozen years. Previous entries here have largely been about coding projects and things I've created on webpages. In late 2006 I was introduced and soon became enthralled with Second Life ( and the possibilities obviously apparent with regard to digital creation. In Second Life I could satisfy so many of my interests: navigation of 3D spaces, content creation with 3D modeling tools, texture creature using new and old school tools like Photoshop, soundclip production, LSL programming, establishing community, joining interest groups, exploring and on and on.

Most of my creative energy went into Second Life over the next 3 years.

Over the last 3 years I have done some interesting web site projects, but my real joy has been taking digital photographs, doing some video and explorations of Mandelbulb 3D fractals. Also, a huge spotlight has been thrown onto the Urantia Book. I have been studying it like I never had before for the last 9 years! It's great!

Here are some links to photos, videos and screencaps exhibiting some of my creative and fun efforts of recent times...


Second Life
Opium Culture (aka The Big Smoke) Book Site

A promotional site for Opium Culture by Peter Lee. Originally this set of pages were to promote The Big Smoke, a self-published book. There was a primitive pre-order system which overwhelmed supply and sales were halted on the site.

Recently revised to reflect the new published version title Opium Culture.


Big Smoke
Lindenmayer System Mutations - Mutant Video

Lindenmayer Systems reflect some of the fundamental physics of nature. I've been working with Lparser, one of the few programs which works with these equations, on and off for over ten years.

Over the Chinese New Year 2005, I reworked some of the old batch files and created a large number of new animations and thousands of mutations. This section has animations; some with soundtracks, an older gallery which is also listed below; and a new Flash-based presentation of new renderings.


Mutant Video
The Something's Happening Database

Something's Happening is a project a friend of mine and I started in the mid-1980's. It is an audio collection which was put together with a lot of care, thought, and consideration. Nearly 20 years later this collection has been digitized and databased. These are Real Audio sound files. A whole aural universe, circa 1980's.


The Something's Happening Database
The Timothy Leary Image Gallery

A growing collection of images either of or related to Dr. Timothy Leary. Completely rebuilt using the Tao Lodge Additum Viewer. God Bless Good Ol' Tim Leary, I don't care what anyone sez. Check out his Cenotaph here.


Leary Image Gallery
The Tao Lodge Galleries

Finally a photo gallery which covers all bases. After implementing a dozen or so web-based photo galleries including one I wrote, I rediscovered Gallery which is a very well-written set of PHP scripts.

Prior to implementing Gallery, the Lodge photo archives were scattered throughout numerous galleries; but now nearly every digital image is in one location.

The old galleries are still online as well.

If you'd like to know more about the code behind the Tao Lodge Gallery visit the web site.


Tao Lodge Gallery
Tao Lodge URL Scout v1.1

The original idea was to create a simple script which could dynamically grab URLs, specifically links and news stories from the net to be reformatted and redisplayed.

Basically URL Scout works and provides the function it was originally designed for. But it has also developed into something quite useful. Nothing beats the speed in terms of UPM (URLs per minute) viewed!

URL Scout was written with PHP4. There is only one line to change in the script to make it work on other systems.

Download the source code. [6K zip]


Tao Lodge URL Scout
Sigmund Font Generator Form

The Sigmund Generator Form is a front end to the Sigmund source code. The generator creates tiny graphic font images from text strings entered into the form.

The menu system on the left was made entirely with Sigmund.


Sigmund Generator
Tao Lodge PHP Freetype Paradigmatica

PHP is a very wonderful thing. Besides providing an excellent language to converse with databases via web pages it also supports dynamic graphics. Herewith is a small example which employs PHP's ability to use GD Library and Freetype to create GIF labels of text strings. Some colors to play with too.


Tao Lodge PHP Freetype
Tao Lodge Photo Galleries

So many photo little time to index. Here's a page that lists most of the galleries available at the Lodge. Mostly of a personal nature...but all be welcome to wander through.


Tao Lodge Photo Galleries
The Tao Lodge Guru Database

This collection of "gurus" is something I've been wanting to put up ever since the Tao Lodge site went online in 1994. These personalities represent minds/teachers who have influenced me over the years which is the only criteria for inclusion.

Backend: MySQL. Scripting: PHP/HTML.


Tao Lodge Guru Database
Some photo galleries, chief among them: Funky Taiwan!

I've long wanted to put together a collection of images that are uniquely Taiwan that are uniquely FUNKY. Within these galleries are the beginning of that goal. There are also some family photos mixed in.


Funky Taiwan
The Lodgik Math Zoo #1 is an initial collection of Math Art creatures we've been working with since 1993. Endlessly fascinating (to my eyes) these digital results from Lparser represent visionary elements encountered on the High Frontier--at least they "look" Awe Fully Familiar.

Collection #1 is based on two Lsystem models which were created in a very simple language called Turtle. I can't take credit for the Turtle code, but the random output and subsequent POV rendering are pure Lodgik.

It's a pleasure to be working again with these bizarre forms. And coincidentally these renderings come just exactly one year after the architectural forms found below which were also realized with Lparser. Thanks Lapre!! Lparser can be found here:


Lodgik Math Zoo #1
A year end gallery. Been working with Lparser again. Wish there was enough bandwidth to show some of the incredulous mutational and convoluting animations. We'll try and get a greatly reduced ani gif sample online soon.

In the meantime please have a look at some of the new results which demonstrate implementing Fractint color mapping to the POV models and the Frank Lloyd Wright inspired fantasy architectures.


Tao Lodge 1998 Art Gallery
The I Ching Sequencer v1.0

A Shockwave flash I Ching sequencer which illustrates 4 different sequences of the I Ching using animation and interactive controls.


A small project called Taiwan 3D. Contains some 3D renderings of the island Taiwan along with lots of technical background and resources on how to do it yourself.


Taiwan 3D
Finally some time to work on these pages. So far the Origins sections has been updated. Lots of new links and some great pictures from the not-so-distant past. In the process of reviewing each section, cutting out the deadwood, and replanting. These pages were built from the ruins of the original site started in 1994. Most of it was built in 1996. Almost nothing was done in 1997.


Maintaining the Lodge
A small article on Super Typhoon Herb which caused tremendous damage here in Taiwan back in August 1996.

Includes a Storm FAQ.


Typhoon Herb
A Digital Cenotaph, in Psychedelic Remembrance of Dr. Timothy Francis Leary was created. Dr. Leary remains a strong, positive influence and hopefully now that he can't do his stand-up act his books will come into better focus, for therein is what Leary was really all about. Got some Leary links here.

Also there's the Leary Photo Gallery.



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